mardi 9 octobre 2018

Empire Steam Tank

Hi all,

In the middle of my Empire painting frenzy, I will take a few moments to introduce a piece I already painted at the beginning of the year: the latest Steamtank model. When I decided to start a Catachan army, I had ordered a bundle containing troops and tanks from a now defunct French website that was selling everything at broken prices. The bundle was equivalent to the Catachan Defense Force available on GW's website but in individual image-less boxes. I guess there must have been a mistake in the order as I got an extra box containing the Empire Steamtank. Lucky me. Actually, having a free Empire model gave me the opportunity to test a color scheme for my project to repaint entirely my Empire army. This is how I came to choose Talabecland, whose colors are yellow and red. I felt that these colors are rather easy to paint with the airbrush because you can use the same ink. 

Here is the beast:

Empire Talabecland Steam Tank

Empire Talabecland Steam Tank

Empire Talabecland Steam Tank

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