mardi 27 novembre 2018

See you soon

Hi all,

As I am moving to Germany in less than two weeks now, I had to pack all my miniatures and my little studio, which means I don't have any pictures to post... I will be back, but not until February at least!

As I said, see you soon!

lundi 5 novembre 2018

Deatchwatch #3

Hi everyone,

Today comes the final batch of my Deathwatch marines:

Deathwatch Unit

Deathwatch Space Wolf Marine

Deathwatch Space Wolf Marine

Deathwatch Space Wolf Marine

Deathwatch Space Wolf Marine

Deathwatch Imperial Fist Marine

Deathwatch Imperial Fist Marine

Deathwatch Imperial Fist Marine

Deathwatch Imperial Fist Marine

Deathwatch White Scar Marine

Deathwatch White Scar Marine

Deathwatch White Scar Marine

Deathwatch White Scar Marine

samedi 3 novembre 2018

Deathwatch squad #2

Okay guys, today I am presenting part II of my Deatchwatch unit that comprises the sergeant.

Deatchwatch Unit

Deatchwatch Rampager Sergeant

Deatchwatch Rampager Sergeant

Deatchwatch Rampager Sergeant

Deatchwatch Rampager Sergeant

Deatchwatch Rampager Sergeant

Deatchwatch Black Templar Marine

Deatchwatch Black Templar Marine

Deatchwatch Black Templar Marine

Deatchwatch Black Templar Marine

Deatchwatch Black Templar Marine

Deatchwatch Ultramarine

Deatchwatch Ultramarine

Deatchwatch Ultramarine

Deatchwatch Ultramarine

Deatchwatch Ultramarine

Deathwatch squad #1

Hi everyone,

I am quite late with what I was suppose to finish these last few days. My family and I are moving to Germany at the end of the year, so the preparation of the move, work and other stuff did not give me enough time to finish my ongoing projects.

Nevertheless, I still managed to take a few pictures of my finished Deathwatch unit. I started to paint this unit back in 2016. This is the kind of things that make you realise that time really flies and that I abandon some project to take on others. This is a habit I really ought to change. That said, I took nice pictures of this unit that I really like because of the shoulder pads from different chapter you can had.

As I built this unit using the new tactical squad, bases are bigger than old ones and so the marine do not fit all in one picture... So let's have a look at the first batch:

Deathwatch Unit

Deathwatch Crimson Fist Marine

Deathwatch Crimson Fist Marine

Deathwatch Crimson Fist Marine

Deathwatch Crimson Fist Marine

Deathwatch Crimson Fist Marine

Deathwatch Blood Angel Marine

Deathwatch Blood Angel Marine

Deathwatch Blood Angel Marine

Deathwatch Blood Angel Marine

Deathwatch Blood Angel Marine

Deathwatch Mentor Legion Marine

Deathwatch Mentor Legion Marine

Deathwatch Mentor Legion Marine

Deathwatch Mentor Legion Marine

Deathwatch Mentor Legion Marine

vendredi 2 novembre 2018

WIP: Empire Archers

Hello everyone,

I decided to add a new unit to my Empire army: the archers. This is a unit you never think of when building an Empire army when you have access to handgunners or crossbowmen. To be completely honest, I saw Bretonnian archers on Ebay and always thought they looked really cool. It was the unit given with the base box of the fifth version of Warhammer, back when Bretonnians were still considered as army worth updating!

After buying a few, I told my self it would be cool to add archers into my Empire army, so I am building Talabecland archers with the same color scheme as the rest of my army. Even if they look quite different, I think they blend well with the rest.

Bretonnian archers

Bretonnian archers

vendredi 26 octobre 2018

jeudi 25 octobre 2018

Great makeover #3 - Empire War Wagon Crewman with Hochland Long Rifle

Hi all,

A new chapter of the series: Empire - The Great Makeover. I dug out an old picture of the Hochland Long Rifle that I used as a champion in my handgunners regiment. Let's spot the differences:

Hochland Long Rifle Empire War Wagon Oldhammer

Hochland Long Rifle Empire War Wagon Oldhammer

mercredi 24 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire War Chariot - Ball & Chain

Finally!!! I finished the last one (well until I buy the last crewman on Ebay) of my War Wagon crewmen. This guy has a pretty straightforward approach to killing as he uses the ol' ball and chain. Nothing spectacular there, just another killing machine ready to crush some skulls. I will soon start to work on the chariot itself in order to have it ready by the end of the year.

Empire War Wagon Ball and Chain Oldhammer Talabecland

Empire War Wagon Ball and Chain Oldhammer Talabecland

mardi 23 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire War Chariot - Blunderbuss

Hello everyone,

Let's continue today with this little guy I finished last night. I personally really like this weapon as this fires a shitload of lead balls, rusty bolts, bent nail and other assorted scrap metal. Imagine having a Renaissance-style flamethrower firing scrap metal at you. Add to that a dragon-shaped nozzle and you have seriously awesome miniature:

Blunderbuss Empire War Wagon Talabecland Oldhammer

Blunderbuss Empire War Wagon Talabecland Oldhammer

lundi 22 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire War Chariot - Hochland Long Rifle

Hi everyone, let's present today the Empire's own sniper rifle: the Hochland Long Rifle. This guy will be the third crewman for the Empire War Wagon. I am finishing them one by one, and writing this, I just realised that I could not find the sixth crewman with a halberd. I'll try looking in my bitz box, but is seems that I have lost it... Another Ebay search to be done I guess...

Hochland Long Rifle

Hochland Long Rifle

dimanche 21 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire War Chariot - Man Catcher

Ok guys, I am finishing one by one every crew member of the war chariot as I received my my spray can of Matt varnish this morning. I hope to finish everything this weekend so I can present a photo of every of these guys. Let’s start with the man catcher, one of my favorites:

Empire War Wagon Man-Catcher Oldhammer Talabecland

Empire War Wagon Man-Catcher Oldhammer Talabecland