vendredi 26 octobre 2018

Great makeover #4 - Empire War Wagon Crewman with Man Catcher

Hi everyone,

They often say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, here are two of them:

Man Catcher Empire War Wagon

Man Catcher Empire War Wagon

jeudi 25 octobre 2018

Great makeover #3 - Empire War Wagon Crewman with Hochland Long Rifle

Hi all,

A new chapter of the series: Empire - The Great Makeover. I dug out an old picture of the Hochland Long Rifle that I used as a champion in my handgunners regiment. Let's spot the differences:

Hochland Long Rifle Empire War Wagon Oldhammer

Hochland Long Rifle Empire War Wagon Oldhammer

mercredi 24 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire War Chariot - Ball & Chain

Finally!!! I finished the last one (well until I buy the last crewman on Ebay) of my War Wagon crewmen. This guy has a pretty straightforward approach to killing as he uses the ol' ball and chain. Nothing spectacular there, just another killing machine ready to crush some skulls. I will soon start to work on the chariot itself in order to have it ready by the end of the year.

Empire War Wagon Ball and Chain Oldhammer Talabecland

Empire War Wagon Ball and Chain Oldhammer Talabecland

mardi 23 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire War Chariot - Blunderbuss

Hello everyone,

Let's continue today with this little guy I finished last night. I personally really like this weapon as this fires a shitload of lead balls, rusty bolts, bent nail and other assorted scrap metal. Imagine having a Renaissance-style flamethrower firing scrap metal at you. Add to that a dragon-shaped nozzle and you have seriously awesome miniature:

Blunderbuss Empire War Wagon Talabecland Oldhammer

Blunderbuss Empire War Wagon Talabecland Oldhammer

lundi 22 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire War Chariot - Hochland Long Rifle

Hi everyone, let's present today the Empire's own sniper rifle: the Hochland Long Rifle. This guy will be the third crewman for the Empire War Wagon. I am finishing them one by one, and writing this, I just realised that I could not find the sixth crewman with a halberd. I'll try looking in my bitz box, but is seems that I have lost it... Another Ebay search to be done I guess...

Hochland Long Rifle

Hochland Long Rifle

dimanche 21 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire War Chariot - Man Catcher

Ok guys, I am finishing one by one every crew member of the war chariot as I received my my spray can of Matt varnish this morning. I hope to finish everything this weekend so I can present a photo of every of these guys. Let’s start with the man catcher, one of my favorites:

Empire War Wagon Man-Catcher Oldhammer Talabecland

Empire War Wagon Man-Catcher Oldhammer Talabecland

vendredi 19 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire Great Cannon (plastic) - new servant

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update today: one extra servant for the Empire artillery. This is for the plastic great cannon. I am almost there!

Empire Talabecland Great Cannon Servant

Empire Talabecland Great Cannon Servant

Empire Talabecland Great Cannon

jeudi 18 octobre 2018

Hellblaster volleygun

Hi guys,

So I finished entirely my first piece of artillery for my Talabecland army: the Hellblaster volleygun. I just had one servant left to paint. I am really happy with the result and giving a new life to my first love is quite refreshing!

I should soon be done with the remaining pieces of artillery. My goal is to have finished by year-end all the artillery, one unit of swordsmen, one unit of spearmen, one unit of archers and the surprise for which I am hoping to post pictures soon.

Empire Talabecland Hellblaster Volleygun

Empire Talabecland Hellblaster Volleygun

Talabecland Empire Hellblaster Volleygun Servant

mercredi 17 octobre 2018

WIP: Empire Swordsmen

Hello everyone,

Everything is running smoothly and I had one evening alone last week to do as much airbrushing as I could. I have to admit this was a little boring as I only applied two colours, but on a LOT of minis. In total, I painted over 70 minis in one shot, among them a little surprise that I have prepared in secret! In the meantime, I was able to finish 4 of 16 Empire swordsmen, which are really easy to paint. With my airbrushing method I think I can finish a unit in one week.


Talabecland Empire swordsmen

Talabecland Empire swordsmen

mardi 16 octobre 2018

WIP: Cursed Company #2

Hi guys,

Today, we have a lot of pictures. I worked a lot this weekend on these Cursed Company homemade skeletons and assembled quite a few with all the bits and parts I had in my bitz box. As I like every mini that I buy, I tried to save as many skeletons as I could from the conversion, so I still have a few skellies left for my undead army. In total, I am left with 11 Cursed company skeletons and 8 regular skeletons. As I like to believe these guys have been turned a long time ago and wandering the Old World ever since, I have tried to had as many details a I could and to make them look very different.



lundi 15 octobre 2018

WIP: Cursed Company

Hi all,

Today, let's talk about a unit from the forgotten army that is the Dogs of War: the Cursed Company.

A few months back, I found Richter Kreugar, the captain of the Cursed Company on Ebay. I always loved Dogs of War as I love having these completely different units in the same army. I remember reading back in the day an article in White Dwarf about the Cursed Company, an undead unit with skeletons from all races. Honestly, having saurus and orc skeletons really look awesome, even if they are to be used in a regular undead army.

The problem with OOP miniatures in general and Dogs of War in particular, is that you can buy them online, but for indecent prices... Take a look at Ebay, Birdmen of Catrazza for £150, various Tileans at £19 a mini... And it is the same for the Cursed company, roughly £18 a skeleton... And let me tell you I am not willing to spend £200 on 20 guys.

My plan is simple, after buying Richter, I will try to buy a few skeletons along the way. But I am also going to build some with the various bitz I have in my seemingly unlimited reserve!

Let's start with pictures of Richter:

Then, I created an Empire skeleton. I used the legs of an empire soldier and bitz from the black knights:

Finally, I had some high elves bitz and built this Phoenix guard skeleton:

dimanche 14 octobre 2018

Steam Tank Commander

Hi guys,

Today, we find ourselves with some good news. Remember when I was presenting my OOP Empire Steam Tank. The two missing parts from it were the hatch and the commander. Well today I found the perfect match on Ebay, as I usually do. Okay I decided to repaint all my badly painted Empire army. But let me reassure you, my level of painting has never been that bad! After a good bath in acetone, I'll prep this guys for an extreme makeover!

Steam Tank Commander OOP

Steam Tank Commander OOP

samedi 13 octobre 2018

New arm for my first Salamanders Dreadnought

Hello everyone,

Two days ago I was posting a few pictures of my second Salamanders Dreadnought with its magnetised arms. Well I forgot to mention that I also had painted extra magnetised arms for my first Dreadnought. I have a power fist and a minigun. Nice different combos:

Salamanders Dreadnought

Salamanders Dreadnought

Salamanders Dreadnought

vendredi 12 octobre 2018

WIP: Catachan Sergeant Harker

Hi guys,

Whilst still working on various project, I do not forget to dedicate some time to my Catachan project. With my nasty habit of painting different things and NOT finishing them, I accumulate a LOT of WIP pictures. So, before getting the proper motivation to paint one bolter, please find some pictures of this massive guy from Catachan: Sergeant Harker!

Catachan Sergeant Harker

Catachan Sergeant Harker

jeudi 11 octobre 2018

The two Salamanders Dreadnoughts together!

Hi everyone,

Whilst taking pictures of my second dreadnought, I thought it would be cool to have the two brothers reunited in one picture. They really look awesome!

Salamanders dreadnought