dimanche 30 septembre 2018

WIP: Empire Hellblaster Volleygun

Hi everyone,

Repainting all my Empire army is a fun job. But it's true that when it comes to the number of troop I have, I can get depressed in front of the task that is awaiting. That is why I started painting first the war machines, as it feels like taking big steps in one shot.

Here you can find a few pictures of my hellblaster volleygun. I only painted two servants out of three, hence the WIP title, but I am slowly getting there! I found these artillery bases on Ebay, which allowed me two decorate a bit and add a few items like the chariot wheel and a lamp (from the steamtank sprue). Add a few rocks, flowers and grass, and you're done. Most of the work was done with an airbrush and oil paint wash.

I also decided on color schemes for the different units. For artillery crew members, I decided on purple accessories to create a contrast with the main colors (red and yellow). Painting the skin has become a habit for me after coming up with my own techniques (I should do a real tutorial on that).


Hellblaster Volleygun

Hellblaster Volleygun

Hellblaster Volleygun Servant

Hellblaster Volleygun Servant

samedi 29 septembre 2018

WIP: Salamanders Captain

 Hi guys,

Just a quick picture of the airbrush work I did on this cape. It is for my Salamanders captain. Basically, I just did gradients of yellow/orange/red. I then applied the stencil I bought from Anarchy Models and painted the background in black. The "coal" at the base was made with a micron pen, the same I use for painting pupils in the eyes. Call that cheating if you want, but I find it way easier than with a brush.

Salamanders cape

vendredi 28 septembre 2018

WIP: Second Salamanders Tactical Squad

Hi guys,

In the middle of repainting my Empire army, I still stick to my goal of finishing my Salamanders. At present, it is almost done. I still have 1 tactical squad, 1 veteran squad, the Legion of the Damned, 1 devastator squad, 1 captain and three scout bikes to finish. So I am almost done.

So let's continue with my second tactical squad. After painting my first one with a plain and simple scheme, I wanted to have something to differentiate the second one. I had bought a decal sheet for the Mentor legion a while back when painting my Deathwatch Unit (I think I need to post pictures of the one...) which included red tactical squad symbols. You will be able to see them on the right should pads. I am actually really happy with the results as I think the red blends well with the rest of the green armour.

This is not the "typical" tactical squad but rather the Salamanders tactical squad that you could buy around 15 years ago when they release a "special edition" at the time of the Armageddon world campaign:

Salamanders Tactical Squad

In the codex Armageddon, Salamander could have in a tactical squad a plasma rifle AND a multi melta, which was the reason for releasing this special box.

Anyway, enjoy:
Salamander Plasma Rifle

Salamanders Tactical Squad

Great makeover #1 - Empire Wizard

Hi guys, so today I will post my first picture of the series the Empire: the Great Makeover. I have started to to what I have dreamed of for quite some time now: repaint entirely my old Empire army with my current painting skills. Most of my minis come from the 5th and 6th editions of Warhammer, i.e. from the late nineties and were painted at that time.

So let's start with my wizard, which is actually a mercenary wizard from Mordheim originally called Nicodemus. It is one of the oldest miniatures I own and I remember buying it saying, gosh this guys looks like what I thought Gandalf looked like at that time: yeah, before the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Anyway, this was not my worst painted mini. I kept the blue scheme and changed the hair to grey. I guess he got older.


Nicodemus Mordheim Wizard

jeudi 20 septembre 2018

Empire Wizard

Hello everyone,

When I told you I was going to entirely repaint my Empire army, I was serious. Let's talk today about one of my favorite figurines: my Empire wizard. It is not strictly speaking a wizard of the Empire but a mercenary wizard for Mordheim, a fact that I did not know for a long time. This is also why the base is slightly larger than normal. I had already talked about it here. After an acetone bath, I airbrushed it following the same color scheme as the original one. The only thing that changes here is the color of the beard that I preferred grey. Luckily, there is a model railway/models for architects shop right next to my place where I could find this flocking that imitates blossoming flowers. Poetic!

Empire Wizard OOP Nicodemus Mordheim

Empire Wizard OOP Nicodemus Mordheim