jeudi 4 octobre 2018

Empire OOP Steamtank

Hi everyone,

Today let me show you some pictures of a miniature dear to my heart. Back in 1998, when I was introduced to Warhammer by some friends from school, the first miniatures I bought were the old metal steamtank and a few plastic halberdiers. There were a few attempts to paint the metal monster of course. The first one was the blue color scheme from the 4th edition army book and the second one with my black and green color scheme. Both were of course awful. Unfortunately, I do not have old pictures to show the before/after, neither do I have the complete mini, having lost the commander as well as the hatch a long time ago. I know that miniatures of the commander are available on Ebay. As for the hatch, the search will probably be longer...

Anyway, I consider this unit to be finished until I find the necessary bitz. Enjoy:

Empire OOP Steamtank

Empire OOP Steamtank

Empire OOP Steamtank

Empire OOP Steamtank

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