dimanche 10 avril 2016

Magnetized and painted Catachan Sentinel

Hi everyone. Today I'm getting back on my feet and start posting again photos of my recent work. A week in Spain for a business trip has prevented from doing so earlier so I took time this weekend to take nice photos of my latest projects. You'll see that they mostly involve my new Catachan models. Let's start with the Sentinel, with way better pictures than last time and a few explanations of how I got through the project.

I basically used the same technique as for the Leman Russ. All with the airbrush. Before painting the outside hull, I mounted the figure but after painting the inside of the cockpit, the cable and the seat. Actually, when the figure was entirely mounted, I realized that the painted part weren't visible. But who cares, I know they are here. I wanted an open roof for the Catachan and that's why I did it. After painting the inside, I assemble the roof that converts the Sentinel into a Cadian/Death Corp of Krieg one and attached it with silly putty to start the airbrushing work. Then, you know the drill, a base of Tallarn Sand and then drybrush of the edges. I masked with silly putty and then painted the miniature in Castellan Green with a drybrush of Green Forest on the edges. Once I removed the silly putty, I then applied satin varnish and MIG Brown Wash for that used look. No big troubles there. The pilot was fairly easy to paint once you get the skin tones right. The cool part was actually painting the sunglasses which is basically like painting scopes. I took extra care in decorating the base and added plants for camouflage!

Here is the finished result:
Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel
 For the flamer, I painted the end part in a bronze color and gave a light layer of black with the airbrush to add a burning effect
Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel
And the little surprise for the end! I magnetized each weapon so I can change at will with what I want. Of course, Catachan tend to use flamers to get through the dense forest on their home planet, but in the game, you might want something more powerful even if that's not fluffy.

Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel

Catachan Sentinel

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