dimanche 30 septembre 2018

WIP: Empire Hellblaster Volleygun

Hi everyone,

Repainting all my Empire army is a fun job. But it's true that when it comes to the number of troop I have, I can get depressed in front of the task that is awaiting. That is why I started painting first the war machines, as it feels like taking big steps in one shot.

Here you can find a few pictures of my hellblaster volleygun. I only painted two servants out of three, hence the WIP title, but I am slowly getting there! I found these artillery bases on Ebay, which allowed me two decorate a bit and add a few items like the chariot wheel and a lamp (from the steamtank sprue). Add a few rocks, flowers and grass, and you're done. Most of the work was done with an airbrush and oil paint wash.

I also decided on color schemes for the different units. For artillery crew members, I decided on purple accessories to create a contrast with the main colors (red and yellow). Painting the skin has become a habit for me after coming up with my own techniques (I should do a real tutorial on that).


Hellblaster Volleygun

Hellblaster Volleygun

Hellblaster Volleygun Servant

Hellblaster Volleygun Servant

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