vendredi 28 septembre 2018

Great makeover #1 - Empire Wizard

Hi guys, so today I will post my first picture of the series the Empire: the Great Makeover. I have started to to what I have dreamed of for quite some time now: repaint entirely my old Empire army with my current painting skills. Most of my minis come from the 5th and 6th editions of Warhammer, i.e. from the late nineties and were painted at that time.

So let's start with my wizard, which is actually a mercenary wizard from Mordheim originally called Nicodemus. It is one of the oldest miniatures I own and I remember buying it saying, gosh this guys looks like what I thought Gandalf looked like at that time: yeah, before the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Anyway, this was not my worst painted mini. I kept the blue scheme and changed the hair to grey. I guess he got older.


Nicodemus Mordheim Wizard

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