jeudi 24 novembre 2016

Undead Werewolves / Ghasts

Hello everyone. A small novelty today that will change from a world I know well. A little adventure towards a less familiar world, where shapes, colors, packaging are similar but not the same. I love Coca and I tasted Pepsi ... Well I have to tell you that I liked Pepsi .

I was trying to boost my vampire counts army with shock troops, preferably monstrous infantry that would complete my cannon fodder and cavalry. So I opted for Vargheists (renamed Ghasts in the ninth age). However, even if the GW Vargheists figurines are pretty cool, I wanted to change and try something else. By doing a little research on the web, I stumbled upon a werewolf unit from GW's main competitor, Mantic, who markets the miniatures for their Kings of War game. And I was not disappointed. Not only do the miniatures cost much less than those of GW, but in addition they come well-packaged in a box that resembles a VHS box. The figurines are molded in a hard enough resin which makes them solid and easy to work on. They require a little more work, including a bit of green stuff to fill in two or three holes, but the overall quality is very good.

And especially, once painted, they are very cool:

Undead Werewolves

Undead Werewolves

Undead Werewolves

Undead Werewolves

Undead Werewolves

Undead Werewolves

Undead Werewolves

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