dimanche 20 novembre 2016

Vampire Counts Necromancer

Hi everybody, small break from Warhammer 40000. I present to you today a very singular miniature because it is really vintage and uncovered completely by chance. In my bitz box, I had a small metal figure that I thought was a mercenary wizard or something else, completely forgotten for years and missing the left arm. After some research on the Internet to determine where this little guy came from, I realized that I had in my hands a necromancer for Mordheim, which explained why I could not identify it from the Warhammer catalogue... Let me just say this is the perfect fit for my last fantasy army in date. The only challenge was finding an arm to our friend. It was done with my inexhaustible empire bitz reserve: a militia arm of the empire would do.

The paint job was rather quick and easy: base coat and highlights with the airbrush, followed by a quick but effective painting in only one evening. Cherry on the cake: a "black magic" effect on the eyes. I wanted to give the impression of a look full of magic to contrast with the human aspect in the middle of an army of undead. To achieve this, I first basecoated the eyes in white, followed by a very thin and well diluted layer of Moot Green. I then performed a "glaze" which consists of several very diluted layers around the eyes. And here is the final work:

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