mardi 23 août 2016

Second Leman de Catachan/ Second Catachan Leman Russ

Hello everybody!

I take advantage of a lull in August and especially to have done the necessary photos to publish an article about my latest work. Before leaving for London, my buddy Thomas kindly gave me some minis that he no longer used, including some vintage pieces and a Leman Russ he wanted to use his Blood Angels. After ordering on Ebay two missing pieces (to build a turret), I could finally start to paint this tank which is probably for me one of the nicest GW models. I still have at home the Imperial Guard codex in which we still see figurines of imperial guards sitting on the tank. Unable to resist something as beautiful, I immediately went searching on Ebay "Catachan tank rider" and was able to purchase two minis that come from another time.

The result is pretty cool:

Catachan Leman Russ

Catachan Leman Russ

Catachan Leman Russ

Catachan Leman Russ

Catachan Leman Russ

jeudi 11 août 2016

Vintage Little Treasures


vendredi 5 août 2016

Salamanders Apothecary

Let's go, a little article before the weekend. Continuing with the command squad, here is an apothecary. In fact, I painted it some time ago. White is more difficult to master than other colors and you will see, I did not necessarily give myself the means to achieve a beautiful miniature with gradients of white/gray. Nevertheless, this model has the merit of having a huge number of small nice details like cables or vials of blood at the belt!

Salamanders Apothecary

Salamanders Apothecary

Salamanders Apothecary

Salamanders Apothecary

lundi 1 août 2016


Hi all, the interruption has been a bit long because of intensive work. So photos and projects pile up, but I have not had much time to publish. Today we return to our first love, namely Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Since I arrived in London, with no friends to play with, I enrolled at the London Warhammer Gaming Guild to test my new Vampire Counts. Well I have had time to play only four games, which is not bad you might say. Very relaxed atmosphere, we meet lots of nice people and more, we play the Ninth Age: let's say complete secession from the damn Age of Sigmar! And as it turns out, it allowed me to test my pretty Vampire Counts, and; cherry on the cake, with good results. And I remembered that I did not post pictures of my Hexwraiths, the last painted unit of Vampire Counts...

Here are the horrors:

